An inspiration board? recipe collector? online scrapbook? fashion look book? well its all of this and more! Basically Pinterest is a (Free) virtual pinboard. A place where you collect photos and links of all the wonders you find on the internet. You 'pin' them to your board and its safely kept there for you to review at a later date. You can become friends with or follow other people's boards (like Twitter and Facebook but more of a creative vibe). Here are some of the pretties I have been collecting now for a few months. I will be sharing my finds every month.
(Click on each image to be taken to the board)
From my "Words to live by" board:
Tutorial for some of these from my "Handmade Goodness" board:
From my "Fashion styles for me" board
From my 'Apartment Inspiration' board
A lovely pic from my "Wedding Ideas" board :
A yummy dish from my "Cook" Board:
So check it out here. A great source of inspiration and sure to get you all buzzy with creative energy :-)