Sunday, April 29, 2012

Lead up to Birthday week.....

Its been a big, busy, crazy emotional week.   Not only because that is how I usually get around birthday time (another year , more grey hair, what have I achieved?  where am I going? - you know how it goes)  but because I am also working on many projects all at the same time.  Its like my cook/gardener/DIY/crafty inner self is on autopilot (and on a time clock apparently) and wants to start and/or complete all projects I have going.   Crazy - I know.

No matter what I am creating, experimenting or doing, I always have my trusty pocket camera with me. A photographic diary of sorts.   I know one day I will look back and realize these days (the crazy busy ones) are my happiest.   So here is a photo diary of what is keeping me interested of late:

In the garden:: A tiny Echeveria plant grows out of what I thought was a dried up root.
From a friends well established edible garden - beautiful, nourishing beans.
Fabric ::  Watching mum create something gorgeous with this fabric (More to follow soon)
From El Mercado::  (Top) Organic Food Market free range VS  (Bottom) Supermarket free range.  The proof is in the taste.
From my Father::  Admiring his latest original, upcycled work of art.

From my Mother::  a beautiful crochet creation
Cafe::  Martino honing his skills.....
while I admire the cafe's refurb including these gorgeous mango wood stools.
From the sewing machine :: new fabric place mats, that are teaching me much patience along the way....
thats all for now.  Thanks for reading.

a (nearly) older and (hopefully) wiser craftyclaudes.......