Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Ombre Ombre - Everywhere.......

and I don't mean (misspelt) Spanish men! haha.....I mean  Ombre::  shaded or graduated tones.

Lately everywhere I look, every design, lifestyle or fashion blog I follow mentions this look.   I must admit at first I was not that keen on it, but after seeing it in different shades and looks,  I really like it.   What do you think?

image via here
images via Pinterest
image via here
image via here
Image via here
image via here
Ok I am sold.....


  1. I love it - except maybe the tights, not sure about them.

  2. Ive been seeing those tights alot lately, and I must admit they actually look much nicer in real life/real girl examples. very hip....my short/chunky legs could never go there tho!
