Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Doilies making a comeback (did they ever really leave?)

I spent yesterday scouring a few of my favourite goodwill stores. A perfect day you could say,  hunting for treasures of the wool, cotton and linen kind.   I came across some gorgeous doilies. I had forgotten how delicate and beautiful they could be. 

Here are some projects and various uses for them....
via Apartment Therapy

via craftynest

via sweetpaul
I am using them for some of my vintage owlies......but am tempted to doiley up the apartment sweet.


  1. I am really liking that table runner - I may have to try something like that.

  2. Gorgeous isnt it? I had another successful shop at a few thrift stores I had not visited before. Found many more doilies for my owlies.

  3. Hi Claudia - I finally made a version of this table runner. I've posted pics and a link to you on my blog.
