Thursday, November 18, 2010

Spruce Austin - Chair love

These guys are just too cute. It makes me want to cry at how cute and exciting and interesting and fun they are!  Its like a group of best friends all working together on fun projects with access to amazing fabrics and pieces of furniture. I would love love love to do that!  
The team at Spruce Austin all happy and smiley!
They run classes on re-upholstery where you byo chair and get to spend the day learning the ins and outs of making a chair come back to life with the help of some  very talented instructors and of course gorgeous fabrics.  Here are some pretty before and after projects from their recent classes:


Lovely huh!  and here are 2 of my favourites......



Now to save for that plane fare....Austin ima' comin' !


  1. Oh, how fun!! That green patterned couch is amazing!

  2. gorgeous huh! Fabric is by Skinny Laminx

    My credit card is getting excited ;-)
